Shentara Shamanic Daoist Medicine


The roots of Acupuncture, Qigong and Chinese Medicine are deep in the ancient shamanic practices of Asia.

Shentara is a modern manifestation of these Ancient Ways of Healing, treating the body, mind and Spirit as One. Shentara means “Spirit of Healing Compassion”, and is a Ceremonial Journey of acupuncture, massage, sound healing, shamanic medicine and Qigong energy work. The practice has been received through the wisdom, teachings and transmissions of many teachers and masters, forming a bridge between ancestral wisdom and modern medical understanding.

Each Shentara session includes pulse reading and a relaxing meridian massage, listening deeply to feel what the body needs in the present moment. Shentara treatments are Ceremonial Journeys, allowing us to sink into a space of profound relaxation and alignment where the Bodymind can heal itself. Every session is a unique and intuitive offering straight from the Heart, carefully crafted to help you feel happy, healthy and harmonized.

Shentara can help address a huge range of conditions, including most types of pain, digestive issues, psychological and emotional health, energetic imbalances, headaches, stress and fatigue, menstrual symptoms, respiratory conditions, sexual and reproductive health, physical and energetic detox, and for preventative medicine, to optimize the flow of Qi in the body.

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About Sean T Fox


Sean T Fox is a student and teacher of Life devoted to personal and global health. Originally from Los Angeles, California, Sean earned a Diploma of Psychology from California State University before travelling the world for the next seven years as a full-time student of Life. Eventually a deep call to the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine led to Victoria, BC, where he earned a Diploma of Acupuncture at Pacific Rim College of Integrative Medicine.

As a certified Acupuncturist, Hatha Yoga and White Tiger Medical Qigong Teacher, Initiate of the Sun and Moon Mysteries and Master of Shentara, Sean T has spent over 15 years studying massage, medical herbalism, holistic nutrition, energy medicine, meditation and metaphysics. This has cultivated a broad perspective of wellness which weaves across centuries, continents and cultures, all coming together with an open-hearted passion for being in service and sharing these gifts.
