Welcome to the Healing Arts of the Golden Dragon


This Training is for All who seek to deepen and enrich our wellness practices, expand and enhance our healing toolkits, or simply connect deeper with our essence.

A deep dive into Body Mind Spirit Wellness, it’s an initiation into the fundamental self-cultivation practices of Shentara Shamanic Daoist Medicine.

 With clear transmissions through visual, auditory, kinesthetic and interpersonal styles of learning, we will integrate and embody the theories and practices of:

• Daoist Medicine •

• Qigong •

• Sound and Voice Alchemy •

• Holistic Anatomy •

• Ceremonial Arts •

Held in a Ceremonial Container of Community upon sacred land, immersed in healing hotspring waters, this is an opportunity to learn and practice new skills, claim greater vitality and empower our Paths of healing

Join us on this Journey of Wellness and Connection


The Way of the Dragon is a Path of Mastery in Body, Mind & Spirit…


The Way of the Golden Dragon leads us towards our Highest Potential, recognizing the Unity of Body, Mind and Spirit. Shentara means Spirit of Tara, or Spirit of Healing Compassion in Action, and is Dao Dharma Medicine, born of Daoism, Buddhism and Global Indigenous Wisdom.

This training is an invitation to transformation, where ancient knowledge meets practical tools for creating greater balance, vitality, and wellness in our Lives. The curriculum is both theoretical and experiential, keeping a balanced flow between learning and doing.

Embracing the virtues of Wisdom, Mastery and Compassion, we work to cultivate our Sacred Temple of Being through physical, energetic, mental, vocal and spiritual practice.


What’s In Store


Click the items below to learn more about each section!

  • Daoist Medicine offers us a wealth of practices for cultivating, nourishing and protecting our inner reserves of Qi, Essence and Spirit. In this training we focus on important tools and knowledge to enrich our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

    As healthy human beings and developing dragons it is vital that we are able to work skillfully with energy, breath, intention and body awareness. Each day we will learn and practice Qigong, breathwork, meditation and metaphysics for grounding and centering, emotional regulation, building vitality and clearing stagnant energy

    We incorporate Daoist sciences of cultivation including Yin Yang, seasonal attunement and the Five Elements to refine our clarity of awareness, promote health and reduce stress. By aligning ourselves with the rhythms of Nature and Dao, we may embody this living wisdom, more easily accessing states of inner peace and empowered purpose.

  • Qigong is an ancient alchemical art which unites the Body, Breath, and Spirit into a harmonious flow state. It is meditative medicine in motion and stillness, a bridge between the physical and energetic realms. Throughout the training, we will be working on developing our Dragon Bodies, gaining greater awareness, harmony and skill in how we orient and move through Life.

    We will be learning powerful practices for healing, clearing, balancing and building vitality. Through profound stillness, intentional movement and dynamic stretching, Qigong allows us to open our meridian channels, activate our energetic fields, and awaken the abilities of the body to heal itself. These practices improve strength, flexibility, joint health and range of motion while simultaneously promoting relaxation, focus, inner peace and a feeling of flow that ripples into the rest of our lives.

    We will participate in two daily Daoist Medical Qigong sessions, exploring practices and transmissions drawn from lineages including White Tiger Qigong, Dong Han Eastern Scholars, Shaolin Buddhism, and Lotus Neigong. We leave this training with a deepened centering of our life force energies and effective practices to integrate Qigong more fully into our daily lives.

  • Integrating ancient Daoist wisdom with modern scientific understanding, we will be learning about the physical and energetic circuitry of the body. Through theory and practice we will facilitate embodied awareness of how Qi flows through our Being. 

    We will be sharing holistic frameworks to understand the interrelation between meridians, fascia, organs, emotions and health. Using Applied Channel Theory, we will foster deeper relationships with important acupuncture points and their functions. Through meridian massage, acupressure and Qigong practice we will feel the channels as part of the living landscape of our bodies.

    By mapping meridians and points, both on paper and each other, we facilitate an embodied understanding of the channel system. Through feeling and experiencing how the channels work within us, we can effectively apply this knowledge to our own wellness and in our healing work with others.

  • The Path of the Golden Dragon moves us towards Mastery of Sound: the dynamic force of intention which influences all levels of Being - physical, mental, energetic and spiritual. 

    From the dawn of humanity, all medicine people have used sacred song and vibrational tools as instruments for transformation and healing. The voice is the most powerful, versatile and dynamic instrument known; carrying vibration, emotion and intention directly from the Heart and Spirit. 

    Through daily Voice Activation Ceremonies, we will explore and expand the creative and healing power of our voices. Using tones, mantras, words of power, light language, ancestral melody, shamanic song and free sound expression, we will harmonize our voices, access our resonant keys of vibration and connect with the spirits of Nature.

    Drawing on Taoist and global shamanic traditions, we will explore many of the other vibrational healing instruments used in Shentara. Singing bowls, bells, chimes, drums, flutes and rattles will be explored in their capacity to realign disrupted frequencies within the body and energetic field, move blocked Qi and create profound shifts in consciousness.

  • The Ceremonial Arts are gateways to deeper wisdom, healing, and transformation. The Way of the Golden Dragon honors the Sacred in All Creation, offering this honoring to the Earth, Waters, and All Beings. 

    Bridging the realms of the physical, mental and spiritual, the principles of ritual and ceremony provide us with powerful practices to access and empower our Highest Potential

    The entire training unfolds as a ceremonial container of connection and learning. We will learn ways to align ourselves in ceremonial consciousness, gather and focus intention, set up spaces of healing and invoke allies for support and protection.

    Each day begins with Daoist tea ceremony to sit in silent, flowing contemplation. The training includes meditation, breathwork, ceremonial cacao, sacred fire, song circles, dance, hot springs and voice activation ceremonies to expand our Beings and connect more deeply with ourselves, each other and the land. We will explore sacred smoke smudging, moxibustion and feathers for cleansing and invoking energy. 

    The first six days orient us to the Six Directions and their associated Archangels, culminating in a Saturday evening ceremony with optional cacao, magic medicine mushrooms and Daoist Meridian Therapy - which includes acupuncture needles and moxibustion. The retreat concludes with a morning of silence into sacred spring immersion ceremony in the Mikvah of the Goddess Temple of Ashland, including initiation into the healing blessings of Quan Yin, Mother Goddess of Compassion.


 The Power of Connection in Community


This edition of Shentara Level One Training will be held at the Jackson Wellsprings and Goddess Temple in Ashland, Oregon, from Monday, June 9th to Sunday, June 15th, 2025. We will experience a deep and potent level of learning together in community, connecting with each other, the teachings, the land and waters in a place of deep honoring and respect. 

Learn more about the Jackson Wellsprings and Goddess Temple

The Training includes

Seven days of Coursework

Two Daily Qigong Classes

Camping Space (upgraded accommodations available) •

Three Organic Meals a day

Private Hot Spring Soak with Sauna

Medicine Ceremony with Acupuncture and Sound Bath

Fire Ceremony and Song Circle

Contact Improvisation Class and Jam

Course Workbook

Integration Call

Free One Month Membership to Shentara Wellness (including weekly Qigong classes)

Walk Away Embodying Wellness

Integration is a bridge between information and transformation. Throughout the training, as well as once our week together is complete, we will be offering opportunities to integrate what we are learning, helping to ensure that the teachings remain alive in our daily routines. As we carry these theories and practices forward they may become living wisdom, rooted in Body, Breath, and Spirit.

We will create space daily to share and reflect on how these tools and frameworks help us align with our Highest Potential and how they can be applied in our inner lives, relationships, and work. We will have a zoom integration call the week following the training to create space for deeper remembrance and further connection.

Also included in the training is a complimentary one month membership to Shentara Wellness, providing access to weekly Qigong classes, extending community support and helping solidify the foundation for continued practice and application.

Expect to leave the Healing Arts of the Golden Dragon Level One Training with a renewed sense of purpose, interconnectedness and empowerment.


Early Bird Sliding Scale $888 - $3333 before February 1st, 2025

Standard Sliding Scale $1111 - $3333 after February 1st, 2025

There are several upgraded accommodations available for an additional cost.

** Payment Plans available to those with financial needs. Just ask. **


Thank You All for your interest in this Journey! It’s going to be an amazing time together, and we look forward to gathering together with all who are meant to be there.


 Meet Your Guides


Sean T Fox is a student and teacher of Life, devoted to personal and global health. Initiated by his Spiritual Council into Mastery of Shentara in 2019, he is the main practitioner of Shentara Shamanic Daoist Medicine and lead facilitator of the Healing Arts of the Golden Dragon Training.

Combining modern scientific understanding with the wisdom of ancient ways, Sean T acts as a bridge between these worlds. Holding a BA in Psychology and a Diploma of Acupuncture, he has spent nearly 20 years studying Daoist Medicine, Yoga, Qigong, Meditation, Energy Work, Sound Healing, Bodywork and the Ceremonial Arts.

As Founding Dragon of Shentara Wellness, Sean has been guided by amazing teachers and lineages including Wang JuYi’s Applied Channel Theory, White Tiger Qigong, Shaolin Temple and Lotus Neigong.

This all comes together with an open-hearted passion for helping people find greater health, happiness and harmony.


As a Qigong practitioner, Talia Kirsh has studied and teaches within the Dong Han Lineage and the Sanctum Academy, has extensive study in multiple lineages from Wudang Mountain, and is a certified Medical Qigong practitioner through Noble Movement Academy.

She is the owner and founder of Flow Energetics© and brings 5 years of practical and teaching experience in movement awareness, health and rehabilitation services, personal growth and curriculum building. Talia is certified in AQUATHERICS® Aquatic Bodywork, Nervous System Reset®  and has Practitioner Certification in Watsu and Healing Dance.

She has contributed to multiple workshops, courses and retreats applying Taoist principles and Qigong as body based liberation practice and encouraging empowered community. She provides nourishing space to support others in their healing by focussing on the nervous system, structural integration, and applying medical qigong energy work to Aquatic sessions.




Antonia Songbird is an elemental priestess, folk herbalist, song carrier & womb healer. She is devoted to awakening the heart of humanity and restoring harmony with the earth through embodiment practices. She lives in the mountains outside of Ashland, OR where she offers healing ceremonies, circles and sessions.

As a student and initiate of Shentara since 2021, she has applied the wisdom to deepen her personal practice as well as expand her community offerings.

At this upcoming retreat, she will be offering a silent ceremonial tea practice each morning to support grounding into the body, connecting to center & awakening the senses. She has been practicing Gong Fu Cha for 4 years and is honored to provide this space within the container.

She will also be on the Shakti Angel Support Team, available to provide 1 on 1 support to anyone in need of further integration throughout the journey. 




Kayla Rae is a vocalist, sound healer, and audiomancer with a deep, intuitive understanding of vibrational medicine. She received her music education at Montana State University, and currently sings with professional vocal ensembles across the country.

Her experience in seva and devotion as a Karma Yogi at Yasodhara Ashram, a Mellissa at the Goddess Temple of Ashland, and a student of Shentara informs her sacred relationship to music, ceremony, and the human body. Kayla’s unique sonic journeys hold a resonant field of restoration, creating space for deeper harmonization and attunement in every breath.



Creating Greater Opportunities

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Deadline for Scholarship Applications

March 31st, 2025

Work-Trade Scholarships

There are three $333 work-trade scholarships available to those who show a special interest in these studies, are financially limited and wish to be in greater service during the gathering. Please send a letter or video outlining your situation, desires and intentions for this retreat to ShentaraWellness@gmail.com