Happy New Year of the Water Rabbit
Xīnnián Kuàilè
Happy New Year of the Water Rabbit!
So, you might have heard that we're in a new Chinese Year. This is based on the Lunar and Solar calendar of Daoism, and the New Year is the official beginning of Spring, celebrated between the second new moon after Winter Solstice and the following full moon.
This past year has been a bit of a doozy for many of us, and it's no wonder! The Year of Water Tiger was a deep dive into primal fear through a sometimes terrifying, turbulent and tumultuous time of dramatic action and change..
After this wild ride of the past year(s), you might be happy to hear that this Rabbit year carries the energetic pattern of peaceful, quiet, nourishing calm. Ahhhh... deep sigh.
The Qi of this Water Rabbit Year is ideal for introspection, connection, relationships and healing.. a perfect time to rest, renew and recharge. The energy of this year is soothing, gentle, tender and more sensitive than usual. There is the tendency and capacity to feel deeper.. and deeper still. Intuition is strong.. think of those big ol' rabbit ear antennae attuned to every sound around, listening closely to try and stay safe.
Rabbit energy is associated with peacemakers, homebodies and healers. Rabbits tends to be domestic, seeking the safety of the burrow and the bonded alliances of community. Seek your Nest, make it sweet and supportive, enjoy with your friends/partners and get all cozy!
Also, believe it or not, but Rabbits are also considered one of the most sexual of the animals. Go figure.. and hopefully go have some fun with that.
Another big theme is Feeling.. and bringing a high degree of self-honesty to our feelings and thoughts, because this can also be a time of illusion and projection. This is a great year for healing wounds and bringing shadows to light through inner work, therapy and/or self cultivation practices. It's a great time to dive into our depths with gentleness and love to discover ourselves anew.
So, all in all, this is a great year for regaining our inner balance and serenity which may have been a bit ruffled in the ferocity of this past cycle. We can use this time to reflect, learn from our experiences and envision ahead to a beautiful future, while enjoying the soothing gentleness of Now.
Also, Rabbit energy is notoriously abundant! So it may be easier to stock your burrow with stashes of tasty treats and treasures this year. Give Thanks for the bunny blessings of Peace and Prosperity!