The Fire Element of Summer
As the sun radiates its warmth and the world blooms with vibrant colors, we find ourselves immersed in the season of Summer. According to Daoist Wisdom, Summer is associated with the Fire Element (aka Fire Phase). This season invites us to harness the expansive energy of Fire, cultivate Joy, and find deeper Peace within ourselves.
Today we'll explore some Ways to stay cool, happy and healthy during the Summer season and time of Fire by aligning perspective, lifestyle, exercise and diet with the Wisdom of the Dao.
The Fire Phase is one of five vibrational states of Qi moving through the Universe. Each of the Five Elements/Phases have different resonances and correspondences with aspects of Nature, both within and all around us in the World.
Fire resonates with the energy of expansion and upward movement, the blossoming of the creative potential we find in the Wood Phase of springtime. It is represented by the color red and the climate of heat.
The Fire phase is connected with various organs, meridians and functions in the human body.. especially the Heart. The Heart is said to be the palace of the Emperor/Empress inside of each of us; the abode of Shen (Spirit/Consiousness). The Heart system opens into the tongue, which is our primary tool for speech and communication.. important aspects of connection.
Fire Phase is alllll about connection. It’s what we often love to do during the long days of Summer.. social functions, gatherings and parties. Dancing, revelry and passion. Good times under the sun.
The associated emotion is Joy. Sounds great, right?! Indeed it is…
Yet even this precious experience of Joy has its nuances. “Joy” can run along a spectrum of deep contented Peace, pleasant excitement, overexcitement, anxiety and even mania. The extra heat and stimulation of Summertime can sometimes cause our minds to race a bit quicker, make sleep more challenging and even stir up some anxiety.
Shentara sessions and acupuncture can help relieve and get to the root of some of these symptoms. Read on for some other lifestyle advice for keeping it cool in the Summer heat of the Heart..
Summer offers a unique opportunity to foster a deep sense of Joy. Embracing the beauty of nature's abundance through spending time outdoors can uplift our spirits, offer a deep sense of connection and light our creative fires.
Prioritizing play, creativity and self-expression can ignite our sense of happiness. Nurturing connections with loved ones, sharing laughter, and engaging in meaningful interactions are essential for nourishing emotional well-being and our deep wellspring of Joy.
Ancient arts of energy like Qigong blend movement, breath, and mindfulness to enhance balance, flexibility, and the flow of Qi throughout the body. These exercises also have a calming effect on the mind and strengthen the Heart's vitality. Outdoor activities like walking, swimming, and cycling can invigorate the body and promote wellbeing.
Diet plays a pivotal role in promoting balance during the Summer months. Opt for more raw, cooling foods that help balance the Fire element within the body. Incorporate ingredients such as cucumbers, watermelon, leafy greens, and berries into your meals to prevent excessive heat buildup.
Staying well-hydrated is also super important, so drink plenty of well-sourced water, teas (herbal, green and white), and drinks infused with cooling plants like mint, lemon, and cucumber. Soaked chia seeds are a great option which are both cooling and hydrating.
Acupressure on certain points such as Shenmen, the Spirit Gate (Heart 7) and Neiguan, the Inner Gate (Pericardium 6) can help soothe stress, alleviate anxiety and the calm the Heart Spirit. Prioritize real rest and relaxation, as quality sleep rejuvenates the body and enhances our capacity to experience Joy.
To help maintain emotional equilibrium, integrating self-care into our daily routines is essential. Meditation and mindfulness exercises help calm the mind and connect with the present moment. Many flowers furl up at night for a good reason, going within to replenish and resource. Focusing on a calm, centered breath can help release stress and cultivate inner Peace.
By aligning with the wisdom of the Dao, we can nurture our sense of emotional balance and cultivate greater vitality and wellness in this vibrant time of Summer. May the warmth of the Sun, the embrace of Nature, and the Fire of the Heart inspire you to embody radiant Health and Joy.
Please reach out with any questions or comments, and I wish you a most magnificent season of Summer!