Coming into Clarity and the Rise of the Golden Dragon
The sound of the stream serenades each moment as I sink into the sublime simplicity of silence. I landed in this creekside cabin for ten days with a plan to retreat from the everyday world, abstain from food for six days and allow my being to reset, rejuvenate, restore and remember the pristine clarity of its True Nature.
This was space to shed an old skin and reveal shiny new gold scales of Golden Dragon magic.
My intentions were simple yet profound: cleansing the body and mind, clearing obstacles to Empowered Service and Success and Remembering Who I Am and What I Am Here to Do. Allowing stillness and silence to suffuse my cells, let me empty myself in order to be a greater vessel for kindness and Compassion.
As the Path leading here became clear it was amazing to feel the Universe meet me with all I needed. A beautiful, rustic cabin in the redwoods (literally across the street from Spirit Rock meditation center!) found me, and my one companion was a cute, cranky, cuddly, corpulent calico cat named Frankie. She really kept me in line.
Life has been an intense series of waves for some years now, and this precious time allowed me to catch up on that which has transpired, practice yoga, Qigong and meditation, go for walks amongst the gentle redwood giants, listen to the stream, lay in the sun, write, sing and chant. No speaking, simply some songs and mantras (plus the occasional meow).
The Plan was to take a Journey to the peak of Mt. Tamalpais (the tallest mountain in Marin) for sunset on Day Ten.. which happened to be Summer Solstice. This was to be the first time I would wear the Shentara Golden Dragon Master Ring, crafted over a period of two years and multiple forgings of living gold and green jade. The alignment felt incredibly auspicious and feels to herald a new era in the saga of Sean T Fox…
I’m not going to lie.. the fasting was hard. Two days of juice, three of water and one with nothing at all. If you know me, you know that I’m not particularly meaty and have a fast, fiery metabolism.. so there were times where all I could do was shlurmp onto the bio-mat for hours and listen to the stream while Om Mani Padme Hum coursed through my heart and mind.
I release control and surrender to the flow of Love that will heal me…
Over the days there was a distinct sense of softening, letting go and forgiving. The uncomfortable, outdated and constricting old skin began to slough off and through this process a song began to come through from the depths of the Heart. Through all the profound challenges and glorious, blissful triumphs, the process unfolded in perfection.
At long last, Day 10 rolled around, and with food in my belly and joy in my Heart I wrapped up loose threads and prepared for my Journey up the mountain. Suddenly, in the early afternoon, there was a rustle at the door and there was Kayla! There was the consensual predetermined possibility of her coming and yet it took me completely by surprise and all I could do was laugh and laugh. We sang songs, sat in silence, chanted mantra with joyful tears, and eventually it came time to voyage onward and upwards… it was a wonderful blessing to remember that I’m not alone on this Path.
This was my/our first time on top of Mt. Tam, and I knew I had been waiting for the right auspicious moment. Here, at the peak sunlight of the year, we arrived on top of the mystical mountain and were met with the sound of native flute drifting from above. We climbed up in silence and found our craggy nook overlooking the ocean, clouds and setting sun. We set up an altar of offerings and then a Spirit song emerged from our collective Hearts. At long last I slipped on the Golden Dragon Master Ring and felt a deeper merging with the golden glow of the setting sun. Gold filled my entire being in blissful waves of luminous nectar as expansive Qi flowed through and around me.
I can feel how this living being of Gold and Jade is here as an Ally to bring physical, energetic and spiritual alignment. I can feel how the archetype of the Golden Dragon is emerging through us collectively as humanity remembers our Empowered Potential and limitless nature. I feel how my own work of releasing what no longer serves and filling that space with Compassion ripples out into the collective. I Am Here in service, to share these gifts with the World.